Thursday, 7 May 2020

Connect 4

Connect 4 is a really fun game. It's when two people play and you want to get 4 in a row it can be a row, column, diagonal. In this game my mum bet me. The next game I bet my mum then I played Rebekah she own but I did not care.


  1. Hi Ben

    Connect 4 is a great strategy game. It is a bit like noughts and crosses. Did you know there are some key ways to play the game that make it very hard for your opponent to win. I wonder if you have worked it out yet? When we get back to the classroom I can show you the tricks I use that make me hard to beat.
    I played this game a lot with my children when they were little. Sometimes I use to let them win but mostly if they wanted to beat me they had to earn it. What other games do you play as a family? We used to have TV free nights where we just played games, sometimes board games, other nights we played card games.
    You look very focussed playing with Mum. Does Mum let you win, or do you have a better strategy than she does. Rebekah clearly plays to win. Do Corbin and Charlotte play with you?
    I like the photograph you have included on your post.

    Mrs H

    1. Hi Mrs Kickford
      That will be fun to learn some tricks. Me and my family play a lot of games. I like Monopoly but everyone else likes Cluedo.

  2. Hi Ben
    Connect 4 is great game. I think every family must have a game of Connect 4 at their house. You can't get distracted, otherwise it can cost you the game. Do you have a champion Connect 4 player in your house - like the one that (mostly) always wins? Or does it just depend on the day?

    1. Hi Jackie
      Connect 4 is a great game. Our family loves Connect 4. We just play on a random day.

  3. Connect four is a fun game Ben. Did you win that game? what other games do you like to play.

    1. It is a very fun game. I play lots of other games.


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