Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Where I've been

 The reason why I haven't been doing any blog posts for the past two months is that We haven't been able to use Blogger because of the rules saying we had to be old enough.  But today we have started to reuse it. This is my first blogger post in over 2 months. maniakalani had shut down bloggers because you had to be over 13 to use this site. But we had still been using it at under 13, so maniakalani shut down blogger for primary schools. But when everyone had no hope for our school, we had started doing blogs on Google sites. Which turned out to be kinda fun, but we did not get to finish off any of them. I think that it was kind of stupid that they shut down blogger because blogger had so many good features that we learned, then they all just went down the drain. But we got it back in the end, better late than never is what I also say.

This is one of my blogs on Google Sites.