Welcome to my blog, I'm a student at Kaniere School on the West Coast in New Zealand.
Tuesday, 31 December 2019
2019 SLJ week 1 Day 4 Activity 3
https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CACTIE_enNZ835&biw=1461&bih=750&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=9aAKXrf-G5LC3LUPy_usqAM&q=dream+wold+%28Australia%29&oq=dream+wold+%28Australia%29&gs_l=img.3...40208.45170..45799...0.0..0.348.4368.2-15j2......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i7i30j0i30.uRSn5EOaWlc&ved=0ahUKEwj3zKX02t7mAhUSIbcAHcs9CzUQ4dUDCAc&uact=5&safe=active&ssui=on https://www.google.com/search?q=Sea+World+(Australia)&rlz=1CACTIE_enNZ835&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVeLUz9U3MDIzTjc3ks3JLC5RyE9TKCxNTc0rzknMS1EoyUjNTVUoSCzKPsUIVmpumVRcAWWbZliWGUPZYCNgatJKskug7PSCqiyLU4xcILaJoaGRYdYpRm4Qx9CouKgqtxAqlZwXb1ScC-dUGRubnWLk1U_XNzRMN69KKY63qIRKZpmYmSQZw1QWGGQUZyPMyM6AKbMwyM4xLgTZBTTDyKjSNK_SEuYMA7Oigiy4pso0EwOExXmmuTCLk8qTs7NLjE0fMf5j5BZ4-eOesNQXxklrTl5jfMvIJeCTn1-cmlMZlJqTWJKaEpIvZMTF5ppXkllSKSTFxSPFAfa8sWWGBoMUFxecJ8WjxMXrZt3xWfTLdr5QoSWMXNzBqSUh-b75KZlplUJTGIUmMnJx-qbmJqUWFfunCflxcTnn5-SkJpdk5ucJOXDJS0nrJ8MF9BNzS4uBEZRXEg-KomKgXbJc-BQomRgZXXp2eyOrDhcXImqlwDFlaJCVVaTFxMFiOjutwt4KSZ5nEatocGqiQnh-UU6KgoZjaXFJUWJOZqImAKE8OopAAgAA&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjp7Lny2t7mAhXAILcAHcMzAzEQ_AUoAXoECA4QAw&biw=1461&bih=750&safe=active&ssui=on
2019 SLJ Week 1 Day 4 Activity 2
If I could change my name, I would keep my first name and change my surname from Provis to Smith, so I can be Ben Smith the rugby player.
SLJ Week 1 Day 4 Activity 1
Serena Williams is a famous tennis player. She was born on September 26th 1981. In 1995 she was a professional tennis player. She is from California, USA. Her parents have five daughters. Two of them play tennis and they are in the same team. One thing that I want to know, does she get paid for playing tennis?
SLJ Week 2 Day 1 Activity 3
Dear prime minister Jacinda Ardern.
I think that swimming listens should be free because some parents do not have money and if there child can't swim and no one is with them they will drown.
You could give money to local swimming pools so they can make it swimming lessons free. You could have a community meeting and tell them that it was free.
So bye having free swimming lessons everybody will have the opportunity to be abble to swim.
From Ben
I think that swimming listens should be free because some parents do not have money and if there child can't swim and no one is with them they will drown.
You could give money to local swimming pools so they can make it swimming lessons free. You could have a community meeting and tell them that it was free.
So bye having free swimming lessons everybody will have the opportunity to be abble to swim.
From Ben
Monday, 30 December 2019
SLJ Week 2 Day 1 Activity 2
So to work out how to get the number between 8 and 25 I did 25 - 8. I did this because I knew that if I got rid of my age from 25 that it would give an answer of how many years until I am 25. The answer I got was 18 witch it would be 18 years until I am 25.
SLJ Week 2 Day 1 Activity 1
These are my favourite things to do I like to play rugby, go to the lake with my family, and I love to play basketball. I like to play rugby so I can get fit and tackling people and get tries. I like to go to Lake Kaniere because it is a fun place and I get to play with my family and my cousins. I like to play basketball because it is a fun sport I like to shoot hoops.
Sunday, 29 December 2019
SLJ Week 1 Day 3 Activity 3
My dream job
When I grow up I want to be just like my Dad. He is a volunteer fireman and he owns a farm and he is a paramedic. I want to be like my Dad because he is amazing.
Out of all of those I would be a farmer the most, I would enjoy driving the motorbike and I would be getting the cows, so a can milk them.
Here is the link where I got this picture
SLJ Week 1 Activity 2 Day 3
If I meet LeBron James I would ask him how did you get so good at baskball? Then I would ask him when did you start playing baskball? Then I would ask him what position do you play?
SLJ Week 1 Day 2 Activity 1
I have been brave when I was playing rugby because I always get hurt because people step on my leg with there rugby boots on and I am brave when I am tackleing people. If I get hurt I just walk it off and keep playing.
Saturday, 28 December 2019
Friday, 27 December 2019
2019 SLJ Week 1 Day 1 Activity 3
My Charity is St John. I have chosen this Charity because my Dad works at St John as a paramedic and my Mum volunteers for the Area Committee and is a member of the South Island Regional Trust Board. I helped out by helping with the annual St John food drive. We gave this food to the local food bank for Christmas.
2019 SLJ Week 1 Day 1 Activity 2
Me and my Family come from New Zealand and we live on the weast cost of the soth iland. Me and my Family we have a special farm that my great grand parents owned that farm. Me and my Family speak english.
Wednesday, 18 December 2019
SLJ Week 1 Day 3 Actvity 1
If I had superpowers I would have super strength like super man. I would be super man because he is one of the best superheros! Super man is very cool too. Super man is my favourite super hero. Or I would have I could fly or have freeze breathe. I would have the power the fly because I could fly around the word. Freeze breathe because then I could freeze people.
Tuesday, 17 December 2019
SLJ Week 1 Day 2 : Activity If I landed On the Moon
Thursday, 12 December 2019
SLJ Teaser Healthy Food
I think that people should lower the price for fruit and vegetables because fruit and vegetables make you healthy and they should make unhealthy food a higher price.
SLJ Teaser Principal For A Week
We are doing this for the Summer Learning Journey. I am being the Principal for a week. I put in a hot tub because I think people would like that.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
SLJ Teaser Water Project
This is my water project for the SLJ. This about when people wont to find clean water. They need clean water to stay alive.
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
2019 Teaser Sports
This Shelly a famous runner. We our making these because we are doing the summer leaening Journey.
Here is the link of where i got this photo.
Here is the link of where i got this photo.
Monday, 9 December 2019
SLJ Teaser made Words
These are our made up words for the summer learning journey. Koew means moew, kun means fun, spple means apple, minja means ninja, mube means cube.
Pet Project
This my pet project my project it was about my cat Charlie. I have had him sine's Nonmember 30th 2018. We our doing are pet project because we are haveing pet day on the 16th of December.
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